

i know i know i'm supposed to be on a break. and i am. even though i think the reason i was supposed to has already happened, i'm going to continue off for awhile...except for right now. this is just too much.

i got something in the mail today. something that was sent by a dear friend from far away. so good. a great long letter and then also this:

i hope she doesn't mind me sharing. i know it's kind of hard to see, but that's isaiah 61:1-3 on there. and it's pretty much a guarantee that she sent that before oct. 4, since it came from nicaragua. so freaking cool. and man did i need it today.

i'm trying to let it all soak in now...


  1. hey bro...so glad you were blessed by it and i love how God was working out his plan long before...i drew that several months ago. praying for you and glad you are sharing in this journey with me.

    thanks rachel :)
